For a limited time, we are introducing free Home Delivery to postcodes 4510 and 4506.
Delivery times will be between 4:00pm and 7pm weekdays.
How to order:
Option 1: You can order and pay online through our website*. After entering your address, choose the option of Local Pickup. In the comments box, write “home delivery to address given” or something similar, so we know you want Home Delivery. Please also specify suitable delivery times in the comments box.
*Please note: Not all products are available through the website. If you want a product not listed on the website, e.g. incense, please choose Option 2.
Option 2: Send us your order and details via Email, SMS, or Facebook Messenger. We will then call you so you can pay for your order over the phone, or we can bring our EFTPOS machine to you for payment when we deliver your order. Please specify suitable delivery times and preferred payment option with your order.
Please include these details with your email / SMS / Messenger order:
First Name
Phone Number
Preferred delivery time (Between 4 pm and 8 pm weekdays)
Payment option – pay by phone / please bring EFTPOS machine
Products and quantities required
Our details:
SMS: 0498 032 964